Content is comprised of two main categories data: verbiage and images. Both are equally important and scrimping on either one can be very costly to you in the long run. There are many ways for you to get your content data today, whether you create it yourself, hire someone to do it for you, get it from the manufacturer, or find a company that stockpiles product data – you’ve GOT to have it.
But, and this is a BIG BUT, content goes above and beyond what you and your buyers see on the product page. You’ve got to work within each marketplace’s search engine to drive buyers to your product page and each one uses different fields to feed their algorithms. We play to that so that your products are “found” and then, because of great product detail (titles, descriptions, bullets, etc.) you stand a great shot at making the sale.
All of this is leading up to the importance of your Product Feed. Many companies will create feeds for you, but as you have just read, there’s a lot to it. We provide you with Intelligent Mapping, eCatalog’s exclusive process to make certain your data is great – configured properly and parsed into all appropriate fields. And the coup de grace – upload the feeds and get your products published.
Note that there are two parts here: 1) upload the feeds and 2) get your products published. Uploading the feeds is the easy part, and the part that most all feed companies toot their horns about. But if you’ve ever tried to do this, you know that you’re going to get back a long and complicated error report.